Thursday, February 12, 2015

Some Milestones in Indian TV

Milestones in Indian Television

September 15, 1959 – An experimental television T.V station started in New Delhi to train personnel and particularly to discover what T.V could achieve in community development and formal education. A UNESCO grant of 20,000 dollars and offer of equipment from United States and Phillips India make the experiment possible. The range oftransmitter was 40 Km Audience members of 180 T.V clubs.

1961 – Educational T.V programmes on Science for teachers were started.

August 1965 – Entertainment programme introduced under pressure from T.V manufactures and public.

January 1967 – Indian T.V goes rural KrishiDarshan programmes for farmers in 80 villages in U.P, Delhi and Haryana began.

October 1972 – Bombay centre inaugurated Transmitter range from 70 - 100 Km.

1973 – Srinagar and Amritsar centres started producing T.V programme Pune centre begins relaying programme from Bombay centre.

1975 – Calcutta, Madras and Lucknow are put on T.V map.

August 1975 – 1976 – Site (Satellite Instruction T.V Experiment) began beaming education programme to villages in 6 states.

January 1, 1976 – Commercial telecast for 1st time. T.V is separated from AIR(All India Radio) and given a new banner Doordarshan.

1977 – Terrestrial transmitter put up at Jaipur, Hyderabad, Raipur, Gulbarga, Sambhalpur and Muzaffarpur to extent T.V coverage to a population of 100 million people. Political party share T.V time for election broadcast.

August 15, 1982 - National programme inaugurated Insat IA, India’s first domestic com. Satellite placed in geostationary orbit but fails to become operational. Colour T.V was introduced during ASIAD. National network established with the help of micro wave links and Doordarshan live coverage of ASIAD and NAM minister conference is applauded.

1983 – INSAT IB was placed in orbit by American shuttle challenger.

Can you add more dates?


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