Monday, September 4, 2017

Short essay on importance of Social Media

Facebook. Tumblr. Pinterest. The list goes on and on. Social media has taken over modern life, casting a massive influence not just on the teenager and the young adult, but also the middle-aged individual and the business corporation. What began as a mode of catching up and staying in touch with our peers, mostly for personal purposes, has evolved into a hugely successful mode of keeping in touch with customer bases as well. In essence, social media has managed to achieve its primary goal: increasing communication.

Social media has come under flak since its inception, and with good reason. Many call it distracting, and many condemn its public nature. Yet, despite its many shortcomings, modern life would be very different indeed if social media is taken out of it. Here, let’s take a look at the myriad benefits of this side of the internet.
Renewing long-lost friendships

Remember the early days of Facebook? Many of us opened an account when we were well into our late teens or early twenties, and had by then lost touch with a number of friends- from school, old neighborhoods etc. Facebook gave us a chance to get back in touch with old buddies we had drifted away from, and rekindle dormant relationships.
Meeting new people
Social media is not just for getting back in touch with people we already know, but also for getting to know new people. They are great platforms to get in touch with like-minded people and starting new friendships. Nowadays, it is quite common to see best friends who hit it off on social media on the basis of common interests, or people meeting on such platforms and becoming a steady couple. Of course, there is the chance of coming across and being victimized by predators, but being careful is part of the game.

Keep up with trending topics

Every news outlet worth its salt has an account with Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and the likes. Every minute, news is being updated and shared on social media by these outlets, which are in turn followed and re-shared by the netizens, that is, the common public. Through this process, news reaches the farthest corners of the world, making the world a global village in the true sense of the term.
Which brings us to globalization
Social and cultural intermingling is a huge part, and effect, of the phenomenon of globalization. Today, it is possible for a teenager in India to get in touch with and learn about the customs and nuances of the Icelandic culture through social media platforms. There are videos on the internet that deal with every conceivable aspect of every conceivable culture, and it is all there for the entire world to view and learn.
Public platform for expression
Social media websites are a great platform for expressing one’s thoughts and opinions. Every time something momentous occurs, Facebook and Twitter are sent aflutter with comment pouring in from concerned parties. This can have a great impact on political decisions and marketing campaigns. For instance, when Lenskart, the online eyeglass seller started a rather tasteless campaign titled ‘Shake this deal like the earthquake’ right after the Nepal earthquake, all social media platforms erupted in protest, and Lenskart promptly took down the ads. Whether it be expressing your thoughts in support or protest, or a call to action, social media is the perfect platform in modern times.

Gaining viewership
All businesses have a Facebook page, a YouTube channel, and a Twitter handle, and for good reason too. With millions of people already using the sites, and several thousand joining every day, you will be hard put to find another platform ensuring such constant and diverse viewership. These accounts are a great way of letting people know what you have to offer and what exciting plans you have for the future. Advertisements in these social media platforms are more likely to be viewed and clicked upon, and your reach can be global.

Keeps organizations on their toes
Social media is not just for the benefit of the business organizations, but for the customers too. Consumers are free to post queries and opinions on these pages that are right there for the rest of the world to see.
One negative review by a consumer can spell serious consequences for the company, which prompts the organizations to do their best to ensure that no such occasion arises in the first place.
 Net result is better performance by the oganisation and better experience for the customer.

Like it or not, social media is here to stay. Maybe not as we know it today, but it will continue to be a part of the human existence for many years to come. Our best bet would be to filter the good from the bad, and work with its many benefits.

[sample essay... use the points and try to write your own]

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