Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Useful Reading on News and News Values

For Students of Print Journalism. Here are a few links to sites that could give you more information, and help you understand and write better answers.

Definition and what's news  

What's news?

Sources of News for Journalists

Journalists have traditionally used three sources of information to get news. These are:

a. Direct observation b. Human or secondary sources  c. Documents or tertiary sources

Each of these sources is equally important. Often, a news report is based on information obtained from all three sources; sometimes from just one. Much depends on how a journalist is able to filter out information that has relevance for his readers.

For this, a journalist must be familiar with the needs of his target audience; should know his subject well; and should be willing to go the extra mile to obtain that little nugget of information that can give life to a news report.

Direct observation

This can be a most rewarding source, especially if you want to be a good storyteller. For instance, you can station yourself outside the emergency ward and observe how the victims of a blast are being handled.

Are the stretchers in good condition? Are there enough doctors, nurses to handle the stream of patients? How are the relatives of patients behaving? What is the effect of the frenzied activity on patients who were already admitted in the hospital? What happens when the VIPs start arriving?

You can gather this information only through careful observation, and meticulous note taking. Don’t depend upon your memory alone. Note every point that strikes you as unusual or noteworthy.

It is this description that will make your story different. Of course, you must not turn your news report into fiction. You must stick to facts, and describe what you see. You can gather this information only through careful observation, and meticulous note taking. Don’t depend upon your memory alone. Note every point that strikes you as unusual or noteworthy.

One reason the sports stories have more life is because they are based on direct observation. The sports reporter witnesses the game, makes copious notes, and then writes the report.

 Secondary sources

The bulk of news reports are based on secondary sources that is information provided by authorities, eyewitnesses, or individuals directly associated with an incident or event. This information is obtained through:

a. Interviews: A reporter gets to know about rioting in a city market. He immediately calls the police official in charge of that area to get details. The police official will provide only those facts that are “official”. This may include the number of people who have died or injured in the rioting, what the administration has done to control rioting, what are the possible reasons of rioting, where have the victims been taken.

The reporter can limit his report to information provided by authorities or visit the site of the riots, and obtain more information through direct observation and by interviewing residents of the area, who had witnessed the riots. The reporter can also speak to the policemen who were involved in bringing the riots under control.

The reporter can also phone or visit higher officials, if he is not satisfied with the official version of the event. Much depends on how good the reporter’s contacts are, and how far they are willing to provide information.

Interviews can also be conducted under sterile circumstances. In such cases, the reporter fixes a time with a well known public figure, and visits his home or office at the appointed hour. The reporter then asks a string of questions that may have been prepared before hand or may be framed on the spur of the moment. A news report is then prepared based on these answers. These reports can be exciting or dull based on how provocative are the answers given by the subject.

b. Press conferences: These are staged news events. A minister, a government official, a corporate chief or any celebrity may call a press conference to present his point of view. These may be the achievements of the government or of a corporate house or steps the local administration may be planning to tone up law and order. But the information flow is controlled by the individual who has called the press conference.

c. Press notes: Many organizations find it easy to mail press notes detailing their activities to newspapers. The newspaper reporters can then pick out useful information, and write news stories. Like press conferences, the press notes also portray the individual’s or organization’s point of view. It is for the reporter to use the information on face value or dig up more information before writing a story.

An important source of material is what researchers call tertiary sources. These are reports of inquiry commissions, research material, documents, newspaper clippings, copies of judgements, hospital records etc.

This information can be used to supplement a report or else can be used to write a stand alone report. However, sifting through these reports is not easy. It requires great patience, and steely determination.

[Prepared by Sunil Saxena]

Monday, September 4, 2017


Social Media, is a term often used in today’s world. It needless be defined for explanation. However, to enlighten the technological aspect behind it, Social Media is an internet-based media that is used to create and share ideas, information, and interests – personal and professional as well as collaborate with people. It is a form of platform where people come close virtually and the world looks connected within no time, to share and consume information.

A website on internet to be termed as Social Media must have a few characteristics like User accounts, Participation, Profile Pages, Friends or followers, Community, Notifications, Ways to review the contents, Communication, Connectedness. Examples of some trending Social Media of present times include – Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, Youtube, Vine, Google+.
Social media as an open forum gives a voice to those who were previously never heard. It has become a medium for self-express.


Social media is being widely used in today’s times to document memories, learn about and explore things (way to expand knowledge), find information about a person’s character and activities which becomes useful in job seeking, matrimonial purposes, etc.
One can easily advertise oneself on a social media website reaching maximum number of people expeditiously; document the reviews of certain products and services, etc.
It is a platform to form friendships and communities to share news and information of interest conveniently. Thus, it reduces the geographical and cultural differences on earth into a very thin line, facilitating cross-border collaboration.
Social Media is used progressively to address issues globally reaching mass in a jiffy. For an example, Tunisian revolution in 2011 used facebook to gather for meetings, protest actions, etc. Another important factor being assistance in a search for missing persons, etc.
It is widely used for publishing and sharing educational contents and collaborating with other people with same interest. Some social media apps like facebook are being increasingly used by students to approach their professors. It is proving to be an effective channel of problem solving for shyer students who feel more comfortable in virtual discussions.
It allows for a constant flow of information from updates and real time communications. E.g. Twitter.

The most reflecting negativity of social media is display of personal information as a text or display which can be promptly used for identity theft or fraud.
Another important point to ponder here is that it is being growingly used by militant groups these days to raise funds, recruit and radicalize persons, and spread their messages. For an example, ISIS produces online materials in different languages and uses recruiters to contact potential recruitees over the internet.
Social Media has always remained a challenge to the government in terms of control over its online activities.
Social media has influenced the way youth share and communicate in their daily lives. Online linguistics have become a trend nowadays. E.g. “Lol” to symbolise “laugh out loud”. The effectiveness from a face-to-face communication is never achieved.

All said and done, it may be inferred that Social Media has been a boon to the society unquestionably. However, it becomes important that people hold responsibility to the data they contribute to social media and be determined that nothing goes against social welfare. Government surely needs to excise measures to control this data.

Short essay on importance of Social Media

Facebook. Tumblr. Pinterest. The list goes on and on. Social media has taken over modern life, casting a massive influence not just on the teenager and the young adult, but also the middle-aged individual and the business corporation. What began as a mode of catching up and staying in touch with our peers, mostly for personal purposes, has evolved into a hugely successful mode of keeping in touch with customer bases as well. In essence, social media has managed to achieve its primary goal: increasing communication.

Social media has come under flak since its inception, and with good reason. Many call it distracting, and many condemn its public nature. Yet, despite its many shortcomings, modern life would be very different indeed if social media is taken out of it. Here, let’s take a look at the myriad benefits of this side of the internet.
Renewing long-lost friendships

Remember the early days of Facebook? Many of us opened an account when we were well into our late teens or early twenties, and had by then lost touch with a number of friends- from school, old neighborhoods etc. Facebook gave us a chance to get back in touch with old buddies we had drifted away from, and rekindle dormant relationships.
Meeting new people
Social media is not just for getting back in touch with people we already know, but also for getting to know new people. They are great platforms to get in touch with like-minded people and starting new friendships. Nowadays, it is quite common to see best friends who hit it off on social media on the basis of common interests, or people meeting on such platforms and becoming a steady couple. Of course, there is the chance of coming across and being victimized by predators, but being careful is part of the game.

Keep up with trending topics

Every news outlet worth its salt has an account with Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and the likes. Every minute, news is being updated and shared on social media by these outlets, which are in turn followed and re-shared by the netizens, that is, the common public. Through this process, news reaches the farthest corners of the world, making the world a global village in the true sense of the term.
Which brings us to globalization
Social and cultural intermingling is a huge part, and effect, of the phenomenon of globalization. Today, it is possible for a teenager in India to get in touch with and learn about the customs and nuances of the Icelandic culture through social media platforms. There are videos on the internet that deal with every conceivable aspect of every conceivable culture, and it is all there for the entire world to view and learn.
Public platform for expression
Social media websites are a great platform for expressing one’s thoughts and opinions. Every time something momentous occurs, Facebook and Twitter are sent aflutter with comment pouring in from concerned parties. This can have a great impact on political decisions and marketing campaigns. For instance, when Lenskart, the online eyeglass seller started a rather tasteless campaign titled ‘Shake this deal like the earthquake’ right after the Nepal earthquake, all social media platforms erupted in protest, and Lenskart promptly took down the ads. Whether it be expressing your thoughts in support or protest, or a call to action, social media is the perfect platform in modern times.

Gaining viewership
All businesses have a Facebook page, a YouTube channel, and a Twitter handle, and for good reason too. With millions of people already using the sites, and several thousand joining every day, you will be hard put to find another platform ensuring such constant and diverse viewership. These accounts are a great way of letting people know what you have to offer and what exciting plans you have for the future. Advertisements in these social media platforms are more likely to be viewed and clicked upon, and your reach can be global.

Keeps organizations on their toes
Social media is not just for the benefit of the business organizations, but for the customers too. Consumers are free to post queries and opinions on these pages that are right there for the rest of the world to see.
One negative review by a consumer can spell serious consequences for the company, which prompts the organizations to do their best to ensure that no such occasion arises in the first place.
 Net result is better performance by the oganisation and better experience for the customer.

Like it or not, social media is here to stay. Maybe not as we know it today, but it will continue to be a part of the human existence for many years to come. Our best bet would be to filter the good from the bad, and work with its many benefits.

[sample essay... use the points and try to write your own]